Frau mit Kind in Kenia
Flag of Kenya


The East African country is fighting hunger.

According to the Human Development Report 2021/2022, Kenya is home to around 55 million people from more than 40 ethnic groups. Conditions in the country are characterised by great regional differences. Serious human rights violations, high infant and maternal mortality rates, ethnic conflicts and political corruption are a burden on the development of this East African country, most of which is inhabited by Christians. In addition, the people are suffering from the consequences of climate change. Due to ever shorter intervals between droughts, there is a shortage of drinking water. In the north and west of the country in particular, livestock is dying of thirst as a source of food and income, and people are starving.

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Projects in this country


Emergency assistance project in the Horn of Africa

In Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan, it has repeatedly failed to rain in recent years, leaving people suffering from acute hunger and water shortages. Climatic changes such as droughts have a direct impact on people's lives - livestock die because they cannot find enough food and water, agriculture...
Herstellung von Futterergänzungen aus invasiven Pflanzen

Improved living conditions in northern Kenya

Marsabit County is one of the poorest counties in Kenya and is severely affected by the effects of climate change. The population suffers from prolonged periods of drought, flooding and pest infestation. The project aims to improve living conditions and ensure food security for people in remote...
Viele Kinder in Illeret sind mangel- oder sogar unterernährt. Durch die Dürre kommt es zu Nahrungsmittelknappheit und Tiere geben keine Milch mehr, welche die Kleinsten trinken könnten.

A stable diet in times of climate change

As a result of climate change, the Illeret region in northern Kenya is characterised by periods of drought. The rate of chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, especially among children, is significant. The project implemented by Hoffnungszeichen serves to improve water and food access in order to...

Promoting climate resilient communities

The effects of climate change are leading to an increasing decline and loss of livelihoods and natural resources in the project region of Isiolo County in Kenya. The project contributes to the sustainable livelihood of the population by increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Gesundheit für Hirtenvolk der Dassenech

Health for pastoralists from the Dassenech Community

In northern Kenya, on the border with Ethiopia within Marsabit county, is the village of Illeret. Life for the Dassenech people living here is hard: Unpredictable droughts make their livestock farming difficult and hunger is the result - children in particular suffer from deficiencies. At the same...
Um ihr und weiteren Hirten-Familien in der Wüste Kenias zu helfen, fährt eine mobile Klinik zu den Gemeinschaften, um sie zu behandeln und ihnen zu zeigen, dass sie nicht alleine gelassen werden.

Medical care in remote regions

In northern Kenya's Baringo and Marsabit counties, people are suffering from the effects of extreme drought - large parts of their herds have died and there is a lack of food. Health care is also inadequate in these remote areas. Sign of Hope sends a mobile clinic - an all-terrain vehicle equipped...
Niro Kaarah ist eine der Mütter, die dankbar die Hilfe entgegennehmen. Ihre wenigen verbliebenen Ziegen geben keine Milch mehr und können so ihre acht Kinder nicht ernähren.

Maize and Beans for the Starving

In northern Kenya, on the border with Ethiopia, the Dassenech community in the village of Illeret is suffering from the death of their livestock and thus from acute food shortages - a hunger crisis threatens. It has not rained here for over a year, and many children are malnourished. We are helping...

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