Nahrungsmittelverteilung in der DR Kongo


Food aid in Armenia, reforestation in India, clinic operations in Uganda or education project in South Sudan - here is a selection of current and past projects.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 95
Frauen in Saghata, Bangladesch

Sustainable food security and hygiene standards

The Saghata district in the north of Bangladesh is heavily dependent on agriculture. The region is bordered by large rivers that regularly burst their banks and destroy farmers' harvests. This and other extreme weather conditions lead to food insecurity. At the same time, there is a shortage of...
Frau mit Ziege in Bangladesch

Strengthening resilience and promoting sustainable livelihoods

The Satkhira district, in the south of Bangladesh, borders directly on the world's largest mangrove area, the Sundarbans. Life here is rural, and large sections of the population are socially disadvantaged, have low incomes and are cut off from state support and development. The population's low...
Indien Sundarbans Frauengruppe

Empowering tribal women in the Sundarbans

The Sundarbans in India (West Bengal) are the world's largest mangrove area. They protect the coastal area and the hinterland from floods, storm surges and cyclones. Tribal communities in the Sundarbans are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and have limited support to adapt to...
Schafe in Armenien

Sheep as a way out of poverty

In the Shirak region of northern Armenia, which is characterized by poverty and unemployment, 16 vulnerable families receive sheep. The sale of dairy products and wool, as well as covering the households' own needs, improves their livelihoods. The first three newborn lambs are given to other...
Kuh auf der Weide in Armenien

Cows bring hope to Armenia

Many vulnerable people live in the structurally weak north of Armenia (Shirak region), often struggling to survive. 10 of these households are being supported with the purchase of a pregnant cow. Along with training and veterinary care, this enables the families to increase their standard of living...
Containertoiletten in Haiti

Container-based toilets for safe hygiene standards in Haiti

Many people in Haiti suffer from very poor hygiene conditions. The inadequate sanitary infrastructure often leads to diseases that spread dangerously quickly in everyday life. Our project provides safer toilet solutions with container-based toilets in the marketplace of Cap-Haitien - the heart of...
Syrien Anonymous

Supporting victims of gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is omnipresent in North-West Syria. Reports of physical violence, psychological abuse, sexual assault, denial of opportunities, early and forced marriage as well as sexual exploitation and abuse are common. Our local partner Amal is one of the organizations providing ongoing...

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