Humanitäre Hilfe von Hoffnungszeichen in Uganda.
Flag of Uganda


Despite its economic growth, the East African country is one of the poorest in the world.
Poverty and hunger are widespread in Uganda despite economic growth. Climate change threatens the country's development. Extreme droughts are affecting the country's population of around 46 million, according to the Human Development Report 2021/2022. Crop failures are occurring. Only just under half of the population has access to clean drinking water. Health care is also very poor, especially in remote regions.
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Projects in this country


Water for a better life

For about 60% of the inhabitants of Bukedea, Ngora and Kumi districts in Uganda, access to clean water and sanitation is a major challenge. The project will rehabilitate existing water sources and provide new ones as well as sanitation facilities in schools. These measures contribute to improving...
Ernährungssicherung in Uganda

Improving the standard of living of smallholder farmers

In the Teso region, a large part of the population is affected by food insecurity. In the project, smallholder farmers learn how to increase their yields with the available resources and conditions. It also aims to improve their economic power through better access to the market.
Trinkwasser für benachteiligte Bevölkerungsgruppen

Drinking water for disadvantaged populations

In the Karamoja project region of Uganda, there is inadequate access to clean water and adequate sanitation, leading to poverty and disease. Through the project, 12,000 households will gain access to safe, diversified and sustainable water sources for multiple uses, as well as sanitation facilities...
Pflanzen von Auberginen

Agricultural education for displaced people and locals

People from South Sudan in particular, but also from the DR Congo, are finding refuge in northwestern Uganda. In the district of Arua around the community of Adraa, our goal is to teach refugees as well as locals basic agricultural and commercial skills. As part of a school-based training program...
Gemeindebasierte Regenerierung fragiler Ökosysteme

Community-based regeneration of fragile ecosystems.

The Teso region is one of the areas in Uganda most affected by climate change. Increasing changes in rainy seasons, droughts and the general climate pose new challenges for the population around the community of Awoja. This is where the project comes in. The threatened ecosystem is to be regenerated...
In der Gesundheitsstation in Kosike

Enabling people to receive medical care

The Ugandan district of Amudat in the northeastern region of Karamoja is in desolate condition. Here, people have an extremely low life expectancy, very high levels of acute malnutrition and HIV infection rate. More than one in two people have no access to clean drinking water. Medical care is...
Feldschulen für ugandische Bauern

Field schools for Ugandan farmers

The production capacity of Ugandan subsistence farmers is increasingly limited, leading to increased food insecurity among the population. Sign of Hope´s local partner organisation disseminates specific expertise and builds association structures.

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