Informieren - Themen - Wasser

Water is the elixir of life, as the saying goes. But in southern countries, it is commonplace to have no or only very limited access to the most basic of all goods. The climate is hot and often very dry, rivers and water points carry little of it, a public supply does not exist in many countries, wells and pumps are scarce or in desolate condition. The water, which the population consumes by necessity, comes from holes in the ground and swampy areas or stands on the fields after rain. It is often polluted or hygienically dangerous - or, as in the case of South Sudan, it can also be poisoned by industrial raw material extraction. But not only in terms of quality, also in terms of quantity, the available water is often insufficient for consumption and for household use. According to the United Nations, about two billion people do not have clean and consistently available drinking water.

Drinking when thirsty, personal hygiene as needed, washing clothes, and keeping the household clean: for many people, meeting these basic essential needs is becoming a privilege. Irrigation in agriculture and watering of livestock are further requirements that often add to the difficulty. Sign of Hope is committed to providing clean drinking water to those most in need. By building or repairing drinking water wells in areas that are inadequately supplied, by capturing and securing mountain springs, extending piping systems, or constructing underground cisterns. This is done through our partner organisations in the desert of Ethiopia as well as in the mountains of Rwanda.

In direct context to water are also water-related hygiene and decent sanitation. The situation in our target countries here is mostly inadequate to extremely precarious. A lack of toilets has a direct negative impact on people's health and well-being. More than four billion people worldwide lack these important sanitary facilities. Together, we make it possible to build latrines and teach basic hygiene skills, as well as train hygiene multipliers and conduct information campaigns.

Integrated into our partners' projects as well as our own are always measures to build knowledge and self-reliance on the part of the beneficiary population: for example, water committees are formed to explain the technology to other community members and keep an eye on its proper use, disseminate information on the good and varied use of water, or collect small water fees with which they can make small repairs. Whether in preparation, implementation or operation, the projects become those of the people they benefit.

Projects on the topic

Frauen in Saghata, Bangladesch

Sustainable food security and hygiene standards

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Frau mit Ziege in Bangladesch

Strengthening resilience and promoting sustainable livelihoods

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Containertoiletten in Haiti

Container-based toilets for safe hygiene standards in Haiti

Many people in Haiti suffer from very poor hygiene conditions. The inadequate sanitary infrastructure often leads to diseases that spread dangerously quickly in everyday life. Our project provides safer toilet solutions with container-based toilets in the marketplace of Cap-Haitien - the heart of...
Wasserversorgung in Haiti

Improved access to sanitary facilities

The sanitary infrastructure in Haiti is inadequate, partly due to frequent natural disasters. Many people suffer from the poor hygiene conditions. Children in particular often fall ill. Our project supports 348 pupils and teachers at an education centre in western Haiti with the renovation and...

Emergency assistance project in the Horn of Africa

In Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan, it has repeatedly failed to rain in recent years, leaving people suffering from acute hunger and water shortages. Climatic changes such as droughts have a direct impact on people's lives - livestock die because they cannot find enough food and water, agriculture...
Herstellung von Futterergänzungen aus invasiven Pflanzen

Improved living conditions in northern Kenya

Marsabit County is one of the poorest counties in Kenya and is severely affected by the effects of climate change. The population suffers from prolonged periods of drought, flooding and pest infestation. The project aims to improve living conditions and ensure food security for people in remote...
Frau in der Trockenheit Äthiopiens

Food security and peace for the people in the South Omo Zone

In the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia (SNNPR) region in the southwest of the country, food is scarce due to climatic changes. Plants and animals alike are suffering. The emerging competition for the few resources also results in conflicts between different villages and...
Frau im Süden Äthiopiens

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The people of Bena Tsemay district in southern Ethiopia are threatened by poverty and the effects of climate change, they suffer from droughts that are only occasionally interrupted by floods. Poor infrastructure and a lack of awareness of the effects of climate change prevent them from...

Water for a better life

For about 60% of the inhabitants of Bukedea, Ngora and Kumi districts in Uganda, access to clean water and sanitation is a major challenge. The project will rehabilitate existing water sources and provide new ones as well as sanitation facilities in schools. These measures contribute to improving...

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