Bildung als Voraussetzung zur Überwindung von Armut und Unabhängigkeit.

Education is one of the essential prerequisites for combating poverty and dependency. In recent decades, the literacy rate has increased significantly, but 13 percent of the world's population still cannot read or write. Alongside this, however, integration, equal rights or the creation of a community-oriented group consciousness are also social target dimensions of our project work.

Sign of Hope makes a fundamental contribution to improving individual life perspectives here with local partners. For example, in South Sudan and on the Sunderban Islands in India, we support the school operations of partner organisations in order to be able to ensure basic educational opportunities, especially in remote regions. In the slums of Calcutta, a basic and vocational training program supports disadvantaged young people and women in an urban context. A street children's program in the DR Congo helps the social and vocational reintegration of children and young people who previously saw no other option for themselves than a life on the streets. In Vietnam, an earlier project focused simultaneously on the inclusion and education of restricted population groups. Thus, basic education and vocational training come together with advocacy work and awareness-raising measures for the social recognition of marginalised groups.

Our areas of action are often interwoven: Regardless of the field of action, sectoral training and education activities are characteristic of the majority of our projects, which directly provide aid recipients with further knowledge and skills for an increasingly self-determined future. Knowledge on cross-cutting issues such as health, environmental awareness, climate change and respect for human rights is also imparted in order to effectively empower our target groups in the spirit of helping them to help themselves.

Projects on the topic

Indien Sundarbans Frauengruppe

Empowering tribal women in the Sundarbans

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Food for children in Western Equatoria

In order to provide children in the state of Western Equatoria with food and reduce malnutrition, Sign of Hope is implementing a school feeding program at kindergartens and an elementary school with the diocese of Tambura Yambio. This also promotes the children's education.
Training in Quetzaltenango

Education and health for Guatemala

The communities of Quetzaltenango and San Marcos in western Guatemala offer youths and young adults hardly any future: The level of education is low and unemployment is high. Since the health care system in the region hardly functions either, people with few resources get into serious trouble when...
Frau im Süden Äthiopiens

Securing food and water supply

The people of Bena Tsemay district in southern Ethiopia are threatened by poverty and the effects of climate change, they suffer from droughts that are only occasionally interrupted by floods. Poor infrastructure and a lack of awareness of the effects of climate change prevent them from...
Schulungen zu Wasser in Sambia

Improved access to water and sanitation facilities

In northwestern Zambia, only about 60% of the inhabitants have access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities. As a result, many children, especially girls, cannot go to school. The project aims to ensure a sustainable supply of drinking water and to educate people on the subject of hygiene.
Start-Up Idee (Metallwerkstatt) Armenien

Work and new prospects for young adults

The north of Armenia is characterized by poverty due to a lack of income opportunities, among other things. Women and young adults in particular find it difficult to find a job in the remote provinces of Tavush and Gegharkunik. A lack of training opportunities and information on market trends leads...
Frau in Nordarmenien in ihrem Garten

Food security for smallholder farmers

Shirak province in northern Armenia is characterised by poverty and poor agriculture. As part of the project, smallholders receive seeds and are trained in improved cultivation, irrigation and crop storage methods.
Ernährungssicherung in Uganda

Improving the standard of living of smallholder farmers

In the Teso region, a large part of the population is affected by food insecurity. In the project, smallholder farmers learn how to increase their yields with the available resources and conditions. It also aims to improve their economic power through better access to the market.

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