Um ihr und weiteren Hirten-Familien in der Wüste Kenias zu helfen, fährt eine mobile Klinik zu den Gemeinschaften, um sie zu behandeln und ihnen zu zeigen, dass sie nicht alleine gelassen werden.

Medical care in remote regions

In northern Kenya's Baringo and Marsabit counties, people are suffering from the effects of extreme drought - large parts of their herds have died and there is a lack of food. Health care is also inadequate in these remote areas. Sign of Hope sends a mobile clinic - an all-terrain vehicle equipped with medical staff and medicines that regularly visits various stations. The staff of our partner organization distribute food and treat the most common diseases. The mobile clinic reaches those who otherwise live too far from help.
Project country
Project period
Since April 2017
  • Treatment of simple diseases and distribution of medicines
  • Distribution of mosquito nets to prevent malaria
  • Delivering food to the hungry; especially special food for malnourished children
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