Viele Kinder in Illeret sind mangel- oder sogar unterernährt. Durch die Dürre kommt es zu Nahrungsmittelknappheit und Tiere geben keine Milch mehr, welche die Kleinsten trinken könnten.

A stable diet in times of climate change

As a result of climate change, the Illeret region in northern Kenya is characterised by periods of drought. The rate of chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, especially among children, is significant. The project implemented by Hoffnungszeichen serves to improve water and food access in order to reduce the extent of malnutrition in the region.
Project country
Project period
January 2021 - October 2021
  • Installation/construction of water tanks and livestock watering points
  • Transporting water during the dry season
  • Founding of farmer groups
  • Training in modern farming methods
  • Procurement of agricultural supplies
  • Introduction and community awareness of "Forecast-based Action"
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