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Flag of Madagascar


Madagascar is considered one of the ten countries most at risk from climate change worldwide. The second largest island nation in terms of area on our planet is frequently hit by the effects of climate change. Natural forces such as hurricanes, floods and droughts threaten the livelihood of the...

Informieren - Themen - Armutsbekämpfung

Worldwide, 767 million people live in extreme poverty, the majority of them in countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They have less than 1.90 US dollars a day to live on. An overriding goal of international development cooperation is therefore to reduce poverty in countries of the global...

Flag of Zambia


According to the Human Development Report 2021/2022, around 19 million people live in the South African state. It has a mild tropical climate with three seasons: cool dry season, hot dry season and rainy season. Zambia has some water resources, including Victoria Falls. Nevertheless, many...

Flag of Lebanon


Because of its economic stability and political neutrality, Lebanon was considered the "Switzerland of the Orient" in the 1950s and 1960s. In the decades that followed, wars and economic crises disrupted the state in the Near East. The influx of numerous refugees from Syria since 2011 has put...

Flag of the Philippines


The Philippines is the fifth largest island nation in the world in terms of area. Typhoons and tropical storms occur there throughout the year. According to the Human Development Reports 2021/2022, the effects of climate change are having a severe impact on the country's nearly 114 million...

Flag of Sudan


Sudan was the largest country in Africa in terms of area until South Sudan's independence referendum on July 9, 2011. Now, according to the Human Development Report 2021/2022, about 45 million people live there. It has a tropical climate with extreme periods of drought and a rainy season from April...

Flag of Syria


In Syria, ongoing conflict, destroyed infrastructure and economic challenges have created the world's largest number of internally displaced people. Access to basic needs such as water, electricity and healthcare is increasingly limited in the Middle Eastern nation. As a result, 15.3 million people...

Education as a prerequisite for overcoming poverty and independence.

Education is one of the essential prerequisites for combating poverty and dependency. In recent decades, the literacy rate has increased significantly, but 13 percent of the world's population still cannot read or write. Alongside this, however, integration, equal rights or the creation of a...

Notice of exemption of Hoffnungszeichen │ Sign of Hope Foundation

Last notice of exemption of the Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope Foundation from the tax office Konstanz in Germany dated 03.05.2023 for the year 2021 with confirmation of non-profit status and charitable activities.

Flag of South Sudan

South Sudan

On July 9, 2011, South Sudan gained independence from Sudan to the north. Since then, however, various ethnic groups have been fighting for power. From 2013 to 2018, a civil war raged between the ethnic groups Dinka and Nuer - hundreds of thousands of people died and several million fled to other...

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